Christmas Eve, which falls on December 24th every year, is a significant day for many people around the world, marking the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ. While it’s a widely observed holiday in many countries, the question remains: is Christmas Eve a holiday in the US?

The answer is no, Christmas Eve is not a federal holiday in the United States of America. This means that federal offices, courts, and banks remain open on this day, unless it falls on a weekend or is specifically declared a holiday by the President or Congress.

However, on some years, federal employees can have the day off due to a special provision. If Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, federal employees are given the preceding Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday off, respectively. This means that if Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday, federal employees would get Christmas Eve (Monday) off.

Despite not being a federal holiday, many private companies, schools, and organizations in the US observe Christmas Eve as a holiday, offering their employees a day off or reduced working hours. Some businesses, especially those in the retail sector, may remain open on Christmas Eve, often with extended hours to accommodate last-minute holiday shoppers.