The hit Netflix animated series “Big Mouth” has been praised for its honest and humorous portrayal of adolescence, tackling topics such as puberty, relationships, and identity. In its latest season, the show made history by introducing its first trans character, Natalie, voiced by Josie Totah. With the help of writer and trans activist Patti Harrison, Natalie’s character brings a much-needed representation of trans life on screen.

A Collaborative Effort

To ensure that Natalie’s character was authentic and respectful, the show’s creators collaborated with Patti Harrison, a trans writer and activist. Harrison’s involvement was crucial in shaping Natalie’s storyline and ensuring that her experiences were accurately represented. Totah, who is also trans, brought her own experiences to the role, infusing Natalie’s character with a sense of vulnerability and relatability.

Breaking Down Barriers

Natalie’s character is a significant milestone in representation on television. For too long, trans characters have been relegated to the sidelines or portrayed in a stereotypical and negative light. Natalie’s inclusion on “Big Mouth” marks a shift towards greater inclusivity and acceptance. By depicting a trans character in a positive and realistic way, the show helps to break down barriers and challenge societal norms.

A Positive Portrayal

Natalie’s character is a close-to-ideal representation of trans life on screen. She is a confident and self-assured individual who is unapologetic about her identity. Her storyline is not defined by her transness, but rather by her relationships and experiences as a teenager. This approach helps to normalize trans identity and shows that trans individuals are more than their transition.

Josie Totah’s Impact

Josie Totah’s involvement in the project was instrumental in bringing Natalie’s character to life. As a trans actress, Totah brought a level of authenticity to the role that would have been impossible for a cis actor to replicate. Her performance is nuanced and heartfelt, conveying the complexities and emotions of Natalie’s journey.

A Step in the Right Direction

The introduction of Natalie on “Big Mouth” is a step in the right direction towards greater representation and inclusivity on television. The show’s creators have set a positive example for other producers and writers, demonstrating that trans characters can be portrayed in a respectful and realistic way. As the media landscape continues to evolve, it is essential that we see more characters like Natalie, who embody the diversity and complexity of the trans experience.